Posts tagged ‘meetings’

November 22, 2009

Assassination Vacation


Still planning your summer vacation?  Sarah Vowell may inspire you to follow her thematic trip.  If you appreciate a slightly ghoulish sense of humor, and have an interest in American history, enjoy this adventure through the homes and haunts of American Presidents.  Sarah Vowell is best known for her performances on public radio’s This American Life.

Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly

Starred Review. What do you get when a woman who’s obsessed with death and U.S. history goes on vacation? This wacky, weirdly enthralling exploration of the first three presidential assassinations. Vowell (The Partly Cloudy Patriot), a contributor to NPR’s This American Life and the voice of teenage superhero Violet Parr in The Incredibles, takes readers on a pilgrimage of sorts to the sites and monuments that pay homage to Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley, visiting everything from grave sites and simple plaques (like the one in Buffalo that marks the place where McKinley was shot) to places like the National Museum of Health and Medicine, where fragments of Lincoln’s skull are on display. An expert tour guide, Vowell brings into sharp focus not only the figures involved in the assassinations, but the social and political circumstances that led to each-and she does so in the witty, sometimes irreverent manner that her fans have come to expect. Thus, readers learn not only about how Garfield found himself caught between the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds, bitterly divided factions of the Republican party, but how his assassin, Charles Guiteau, a supporter of the Stalwarts and an occasional member of the Oneida Community, “was the one guy in a free love commune who could not get laid.” Vowell also draws frequent connections between past events and the present, noting similarities between McKinley’s preemptive war against Cuba and the Philippines and the current war in Iraq. This is history at its most morbid and most fascinating and, fortunately, one needn’t share Vowell’s interest in the macabre to thoroughly enjoy this unusual tour.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

From School Library Journal

Adult/High School–Vowell has a perspective on American history that is definitely funny. She visits museums, historic sites, statues, libraries, anything remotely relevant to successful presidential assassins, and a few of those not so successful. This is an amusing way to learn history, but it is also an unusual look at the interconnectedness of things. Robert Todd Lincoln, a.k.a. Jinxy McDeath, was present, or nearly so, at three assassinations–his father’s, Garfield’s, and McKinley’s. To understand Garfield’s assassin, the author spends time at the Oneida Colony in upstate New York, a religious commune that preached a combination of free love and the second coming, and connects it with Jonathan Edwards. She tracks the Lincoln conspirators through the process of plot and escape to hanging and imprisonment, even describing Dr. Mudd’s enormous contribution when the plague hit the prison island of Dry Tortuga. Garfield’s assassin was deeply involved in the redirection of the Republican Party after the Civil War, and McKinley’s was an anarchist following, he thought, the tenets of Emma Goldman. There are family anecdotes and real scholarship in this quirky road trip. Teens will get an interesting view of one aspect of American history while picking up odd bits of information about a whole lot more. There is much to enjoy in this discursive yet somehow cohesive book.–Susan H. Woodcock, Fairfax County Public Library, VA
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
September 20, 2009

September Fotos at Flickr

Visit: JD’s Flickr Photos

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September 24, 2008

November & December 2008 Hosts

Betty and Tui are hosting another progressive evening on November 20. We haven’t decided which home is first but we’ll let you know soon. We also will provide you with a book to read soon (or at Donna Rae’s – whichever comes first 🙂  Lucy is our host on December 18.

Jacque — what a splendid idea, this Blog Site! Thank you so much!

I’m looking forward to the meeting at Nancy’s this Saturday — Sharlot’s birthday, Renee’s new foot day, and did someone say Betty’s birthday too??? Lot’s to talk about and lots to celebrate.
